Sunday, December 5, 2010

I Thought I Was Organized...

Two of my collecting goals for this year were to get my collection scaled down in size, and to better organize what I decided to keep. I don't know how much I've scaled down, but I would guess that I at least unloaded close to as many cards as I accumulated over the past year, if not slightly more. I gave away thousands and thousands of cards I wasn't interested in keeping over this summer and cleared up quite a bit of space. I'd say this one was a win.

As for my other goal, the cards I've decided to keep for now have slowly been organized. They've been scanned in and added to my collection on Zistle. Cards I don't want go immediately into my two monster trade boxes (one for hockey, one for baseball), and the rest are neatly sorted into monster boxes in my card closet by sport, year and brand. It's a great system, I can instantly search my entire collection (with images) by keyword thanks to Zistle, and my card closet is well organized enough that I can put my hands on a card I'm searching for within seconds. I have about 2/3 of my collection archived like this so far, including all the cards made before 1980, or so I thought. Today, when I was looking through a Rubbermaid box in the basement for some 1994 Topps cards to include in a trade package, I came across these:

and these...

and, uh, these too...

Yeah, that would be 27 1960 Topps cards in pretty good shape. As soon as I saw them I remembered that I had won them in a lot on eBay. I had no idea how long ago that was and completely forgot that I even owned them. Some research showed that I won them back in April of 2009! A year and a half later they are now where they belong with the rest of my growing 1960 Topps set. I was a pretty nice discovery but clearly shows I'm not there yet with organization. Maybe next year.

What's the best card you've ever stumbled across that you forgot you had?


  1. Just found a Hossa 2008-09 OPC Blank Back card that I put in a box along w/other 08-09 OPC last weekend.

  2. Jeff, that's pretty funny because I did the same thing a couple of years back with a Martin Straka blank back from the retro set. If you have any retro parallels available to trade look me up!

  3. That's a great discovery. I have boxes and boxes of cards I'm still going through and putting in binders myself. I'm working on mY Yankees team sets now, but I still have my Devils, Islanders, Knicks and Jets to pour through. It's a chore, but a fun chore nonetheless.
