Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thank You Justin G!

A while back Justin G of "The Hopeful Chase" dangled some 2011 Topps Heritage trade bait out there, and I bit. I didn't buy more than a couple packs of this stuff, and am not likely to buy any more going forward, so I asked for the Jon Lester to add to my Red Sox collection. Last week a package arrived containing the card:

As far as Red Sox from this set, I now have Lester, John Lackey, Josh Beckett, Kevin Youkilis and a League Leaders card with a floating Clay Buchholz head on it. I'm interested in trading for any Red Sox other than those.

The back talks about how promising a young lefty Lester is, logging between 15 and 19 wins in each of his first three seasons, and becoming the first Red Sox lefty with back-to-back 200K seasons.

Justin also threw in a bonus card:

2010-11 Donruss Tough Times - #8 - Jay Miller

I saw a ton of these on other blogs earlier this year, but I didn't really buy any Donruss hockey, so this is the first I've seen in person. Very cool card!

As has been my experience with basically every single Panini card I've seen this year, the back is hurting. Not much going on here, and we get the same recycled photo from the front. Still a nice card though, and one I'm happy to add to my Bruins collection.

Thanks for the cards Justin, I've got a small stack of Lightning cards heading your way soon!

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