Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Header

Well it only took me over 3 1/2 years, but I finally got around to making a header for the blog that doesn't look like it was created by a second grader:

I actually just threw this one together really quickly using Picasa, which works pretty well for a free program. There wasn't a whole lot of thought behind this one, I just grabbed a few random shots of cards from my collection that I like. This run was more to get the process down than anything. I've got it down to a pretty good set of steps, so I'm planning to create a bunch of these and to change things up from time to time going forward.

In any event I hope you like it and will find Shoebox Legends a bit easier on the eyes from now on!

1 comment:

  1. Great work! Wish I had something a little more flashy; oh yeah, that first baseball card in your header is a nice one heh
