Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Short Stint on the Want List

In yesterday's post I covered the Whalers from the 1996-97 Collector's Choice set. I remarked at the time that I was missing a single Whaler card from the base set, card #343 of Jeff O'Neill. While rummaging through a random box of assorted baseball and hockey this evening, guess what I stumbled across:

Crossing a card off the want list without having to do a single thing to acquire it is a pretty nice feeling! This is a prime example of why my major goal for my vacation from work next week is to work on organizing my collection. I've come a long way in the past year, but I'm still not there yet. As I stated yesterday, this is a pretty cheesy card, I'm not really feeling the "Captain Tomorrow" theme. Reading the back, I think Upper Deck thought a little too highly of O'Neill at the time:

That's not all though, right next to O'Neill in the very same box I found a 96-97 Collector's Choice insert that I needed for my team set as well:

#UD26 - Brendan Shanahan - MVP Insert

Nothing spectacular about this design, although I think the photo does a pretty good job of portraying how Shanahan felt about having to play in Hartford. This is the regular version of the MVP insert, but there is a Gold version as well. That one I do not have, so it's now on the want list. I guess that's the way Want Lists work, every time I scratch one card off I end up adding another!

More Whale on the way soon!

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