Friday, September 30, 2011

Thanks for the Memories Tito!

It's looking more and more likely that after an epic late-season meltdown, Terry Francona will not be back next year as the manager of the Boston Red Sox. I truly believe that the decision is mutual, and that this would've occurred under just about any circumstance (save maybe a World Series title).

Tito was the best manager this team has had in my 20+ years as a Red Sox fan, and was the man at the helm when they broke the infamous World Series curse in 2004 (then repeated in 2007). Change is inevitable though, especially after a collapse like the one the Sox just experienced. He's served his time, brought championships to the city, and now it's time to move on. Besides, would you want to manage John Lackey for another season? Didn't think so.

Best of luck to you Terry, in Chicago or wherever you end up! Thanks for leading the hometown Red Sox to the only two championships of this young baseball fan's life.

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