Monday, April 6, 2015

Droppin' Bombs

As of this moment, Dustin Pedroia is on pace for 324 home runs in 2015.  Can he be the first 300 HR guy?  If only the next 161 games were all against the Phillies...


  1. Yeah, that's what I'm thinking about Kris Bryant. 9 home runs in 40 at bats = 112 home runs in 500 at bats!!!

  2. So is Hanley... plus Mr. Ramirez is on pace for 810 RBI's this year.

  3. I'm going to temper my projections for Pedroia and HanRam: 94 and 132 homers respectively.

  4. If he didn't have to adjust his gloves after every pitch (whether he moves at all or not), he would leave more time for additional at-bats and could reach 350 by the end of the year....
