Friday, July 15, 2016

Buyback Franken-set - A HOFer to Lead Things Off

Wow, this week really went by in a blur.  This seems to be becoming a common theme unfortunately, but a hectic work week left me literally no time for my hobbies.  As a result, I owe quite a few folks return emails, thank you posts, and most importantly some cards.  If you're one of those few, please bear with me.  I'm off work for a solid two week stretch beginning right now, so I plan to catch up on all of this as well as get back into a more regular posting routine here.

In the meantime, since I have them scanned and ready to go, let's take a look at another ten contributions to my new buyback franken-set, shall we?

Most of the cards I've gone through so far came courtesy of a large lot of 2015 Topps buybacks I was fortunate enough to win on eBay, but in the lead-off spot for this post (and for my set in general!) I've got one that I specifically sought out and picked up with this set in mind:

#1 - 1990 Nolan Ryan

1990 Topps was the first baseball set that I really ripped a significant amount of packs from as a kid, and the first set I accumulated hundreds of cards from back then.  For that reason, it's always been high on my list of nostalgic favorites.  Yes, I realize the design is considered ugly by most, and with many of the cards I can't even argue against that, but it will always have a special place in my heart just because of the memories it brings back.

Because of that, I couldn't think of a better card #1 for my franken-set than this Nolan Ryan "blue foil" buyback from this year's flagship set.  So much so that I gladly forked over $6 for it, which seems kind of silly for a '90 Topps card, I know.  I couldn't be happier with it though, and I'm virtually certain it will remain the first card in the binder for as long as I have it.

With that out of the way, and since I've been doing these in batches of ten so far, let's take a look at nine other additions to the franken-set while we're at it...

#68 - 1978 Steve Foucault

In slot #68, at least for now, sits this 1978 Steve Foucault.  Not a terribly exciting card by any means, as Steve was a mediocre pitcher for just a few seasons in the mid-'70s.  I foresee this one getting bumped at some point down the road.

#446 - 1975 Bart Johnson

Here's one that absolutely screams '70s.  A tilted photograph, the presence of trees on a baseball card, the powder blue White Sox uniform, and that hair.  Put all of those elements together on a card from the most '70s set of all the '70s sets, and you've got a winner.

#72 - 1973 Ron Reed

Again I really like the photograph on this one, which totally looks as though it was taken in a little league ballpark.  Quite a follow-through from Mr. Reed here as well.

#67 - 1969 Bill Stoneman

Wow, Bill Stoneman certainly takes the top prize for most beat up card in the set, at least at this juncture.  Weathered corners, wrinkles, creases, and whatever the hell that mystery substance is that's smeared over Bill's face show that this is a card that received some love over the years.  These kinds of cards give my franken-set a bit more character; I'm glad Topps doesn't pay a whole lot of attention to condition when it comes to the buybacks.

#103 - Biff Pocoroba

Biff Pocoroba's 1976 issue here features what is most definitely the first trailer in my set!  Quite a background.  Biff doesn't look very enthused to be getting his very own baseball card.

#117 - 1974 Ron Blomberg

This Ron Blomberg suffers from a pretty dark photograph, but nonetheless it's the first Yankees card to be included in my franken-set.  I also think it's kind of cool since Ron Blomberg became the very first DH in baseball history less than a year before this card was printed up.

#158 - 1979 Joe Sambito

Yup, another batch of buybacks in which an obnoxiously bright Astros uniform makes an appearance!  Sambito was serving as the Astros' closer at the time this card was released, and was later a member of the cursed 1986 Red Sox team.

#268 - 1978 Gil Flores

Don't have too much to say about Gil Flores, but at least the photo is a little different than your run of the mill Spring Training posed shot.  Hey Gil, I think you've got a Topps buyback stamp stuck to your cleat there.

#174 - 1977 Nelson Briles

I'll close it out for today with a name that's certainly more recognizable than Gil Flores.  While I associate Briles much more with the '60s Cardinals teams, or even the early '70s Pirates, this is an interesting late-career card anyway.  I do hope to add a Briles buyback from his time with either Pittsburgh or St. Louis at some point down the line, if the opportunity presents itself that is. 

So there you have it, another ten buybacks join my set.  Somewhat surprising that 40 cards have been picked for the franken-set so far and I haven't had a single conflict between two cards of the same number yet.  I have a feeling that will be coming soon though, maybe even in the next batch I post.

Franken-set Progress:  40/792 (5%)


  1. Value is relative - if that Nolan Ryan card brings you that much happiness, I highly doubt you'll be missing that six bucks at any point down the road. Nice progress on the frankenset!

  2. I agree with Tony -- good call on snatching up that Ryan card.

  3. Today's baseball needs more players named Biff.

  4. Looking back at this one, I find it interesting that at the time Nolan Ryan was the first Hall of Famer in the Frankenset, but since then both Ted Simmons and Jack Morris, who were already in the set, have been inducted into the Hall.
