Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Buyback Franken-set: Another Shane Contributes!

Yesterday I received a whopper of a trade package from Shane at Off the Wall.  So large, in fact, that it's probably going to take me a few days to get everything scanned and sorted out.  While I work away at that though, there was one smaller component of the package that was easy enough to get queued up for today...buybacks!

Considering probably 90% of the buybacks in my franken-set were contributed by yours truly, it's about time another Shane got involved!  I received four of them in this package, let's see how they fare in terms of induction to the franken-set...

1965 Topps #22 - Charlie Smith

First card makes the set uncontested, and Charlie is already tucked snugly inside the third page of the franken-set binder.  Charlie Smith (seems to be spelled Charley most places, actually) played Major League Baseball throughout the entire decade of the '60s, and bounced around to seven different franchises over that span.  My favorite thing about this one is the great look at that New York World's Fair patch on Charley's sleeve!

1961 Topps #72 - Stu Miller

The second buyback that Shane sent along is this nice '61 Topps Stu Miller.  This is just the third 1961 Topps card in my franken-set to date, and the first of the 2010 Topps Heritage buyback variety.  I don't know a whole lot about Stu, but 1961 was his lone All-Star appearance which makes this card a bit more interesting.  It looks like 1967 was a more notable year for him though.  He was with the Orioles by that point in his career, and in April of '67 was one of two Baltimore pitchers involved in a no-hitter that the team actually lost (thanks to a wild pitch and an error).  The following month he gave up Mickey Mantle's 500th home run, ouch!

Stu has a little competition for the franken-set too, here's the existing card #72 he's up against:

Some stiff competition for sure.  Ron Reed may not be a household name, but I sure do like the photograph on this one.

At the end of the day though, I've got plenty of '73 Topps cards in the franken-set and precious few '61s.  Plus, in a close race I'll take a buyback that a fellow blogger was kind enough to send me over one from a random lot I purchased.  You're out Ron!

1978 Topps #12 - Don Aase

The last two buybacks Shane sent along were both of the Red Sox variety, which is just fine in my book!  Don Aase was a draft pick of the Sox earlier in the '70s and finally debuted with Boston in 1977.  After a pretty successful rookie season he was dealt to the California Angels in the trade that brought Jerry Remy to Boston.  He had the distinction of being the first name on the all-time Red Sox roster, alphabetically speaking, until David Aardsma knocked him from that spot decades later.  This is the only #12 buyback I have so far, so Don is in!

1968 Topps #233 - George Scott

Lastly, my personal favorite of this quartet, a '68 Topps George Scott.  George is one of the more notable names to make my franken-set to date as a 3x All-Star, 8x Gold Glove Award winner, and member of the Boston Red Sox Hall of Fame!  Very cool that Shane, himself a Red Sox fan, was kind enough to ship me this one.

I would have been more than pleased had Shane's entire package consisted of nothing but these four buybacks, but as you'll soon see this was just the tip of the iceberg!

Franken-set Progress:  158/792 (20%)


  1. Glad I could help out another Shane and a fellow Red Sox fan!! Looking forward to your future posts!! I'll keep my eye on a chance for other but backs too, something tells me I have a 59 Topps kicking around.

  2. Looking forward to what the rest of the package contained. Love the Boomer buyback. ,cool that you two hooked up for a trade. Shane why don't you join us at the Shriners in Nov. Where trying to meet up on the Saturday
