Thursday, November 3, 2016

Buyback Franken-set: A Beat-up '58 & Nine Companions

The past couple of buyback franken-set posts have featured cards graciously donated to me by others, but today we get back to some I picked up myself.  Let's grab another ten cards from the recent large lot I picked up and see how they do...

1967 Topps #364 - Claude Raymond

I've added quite a few '67 Topps cards to the set thanks to the fact that there were '67 buybacks included in this year's Heritage set, but in this case we have one from 2015 Topps flagship.  Claude was apparently nicknamed "Frenchy" due to the fact that he was born in Quebec, and would fittingly go on to be a French-language broadcaster for the Montreal Expos for decades once his playing days were behind him.  He's in at card #364!

1979 Topps #173 - John Lowenstein

How's that for a bat barrel photo?  Coincidentally, John Lowenstein also had a career in broadcasting.  This card is pretty damn beat up for a late '70s release, if you really look closely there are more than a couple of surface wrinkles.  I'm not complaining, just an observation.  As the only #173 buyback in my possession to date John and his creases make the cut.

1974 Topps #289 - Rick Auerbach

I smell some heavy airbrushing here.  I guess I can't fault Topps too much, as Rick was traded from the Brewers to the Dodgers in April of '73, sold back to the Brewers in early September, only to be sold to Los Angeles all over again at the end of October.  I'd love to know the details of exactly what happened there, seems beyond strange.  No current competition for card #289, Rick is in.

1969 Topps #413 - Roland Sheldon

Here's the other Pilots buyback I reference in my last franken-set post.  Both from the '69 set too, well on my way to a team set!  This one is notable in that Rollie Sheldon never pitched an MLB inning after 1966 (with the Boston Red Sox).  I also just learned that Sheldon was born in Putnam, CT, one town over from where I went to high school.  It's really in the middle of nowhere so this is pretty remarkable to me.  Rollie definitely makes the franken-set.

1977 Topps #39 - Tom Griffin

Next up is Tom Griffin, whose face is so bright and washed out in this photo that he almost appears to be missing a nose.  This card is so terrible (despite featuring my initials on the cap) that I was almost grateful to find that I already had a #39 in the binder:

Yup, I'll take a '62 Topps card over that atrocity any day.

Adios Tommy!

1976 Topps #248 - Dick Tidrow

Next up, hurler Dick Tidrow.  Dick was for the most part a bullpen arm, and was a member of the '77 and '78 World Series champion Yankees teams.  Unfortunately for him, Mark Hoyle already provided me with a #248 buyback that I like quite a bit:

Yeah, I don't see any way I can choose that Tidrow over this card.

It's nothing personal Dick, I just really like that Gene Mauch card.

1975 Topps #326 - Wayne Twitchell

Oregon Sports HOF inductee Wayne Twitchell is firmly implanted in slot 326 of the franken-set with this 1975 Topps release.  A classic example of the tilted/crooked photographs we've all come to know and love from the '70s Topps releases.  Wayne's lone All-Star selection was during his time with Philadelphia, so this card has that going for it at least.

1976 Topps #371 - Ellie Hendricks

Ellie Hendricks appears to be smiling at the buyback stamp on this particular card.  He played the bulk of his MLB career with Baltimore, won a World Series with them in 1970, and is even a member of the Orioles Hall of Fame.  A nice enough card, but...

...I don't think it competes with this '69 Topps Sal Bando, which I hand-selected and featured a few franken-set posts back.

Ellie looks so pleased that I hate to do this, but he's rejected.

1979 Topps #63 - Jack Brohamer

I always appreciate a new Red Sox buyback in particular.  This is the 15th one to make the set, as Jack lacks any competition for card #63.  Not surprisingly, that's the best representation in the franken-set by any team.  Hey, it's my set, I'm allowed to favor the home team.

1958 Topps #253 - Don Mueller

Last card for today, a '58 Don Mueller that looks like it would have some stories to tell if it could only talk.  Don was a 2x All-Star and won the 1954 World Series with the New York Giants.  I'm fairly certain that this card spent a good portion of its nearly 60 years on this planet completely folded in half.  He's in the set for now though, and I'm always happy to get some true vintage representation in the binder regardless of condition.

Well, that was a rough round for challengers as all three lost out to their previously existing competitors.  Nevertheless, the overall set still progressed nicely with seven new additions.  At this rate it won't be too many more posts before I cross the 200 cards threshold...

Franken-set Progress:  169/792 (21%)

1 comment:

  1. I love how "Frenchy's" fly is open on his 1967 Topps card. Great card!
