Thursday, December 15, 2016


Quick post today, short on time this busy holiday season.  Since I don't have much prepared here's a scan of a pretty iconic card that I picked up back in July...of 2015!  Yes, it truly does take me forever sometimes to get around to posting things.

I haven't done any research to verify it (again, lack of time), but this has to be one of the earliest sports cards to feature a pair of brothers.  I'm not collecting the '54 set, and I'm not a Pirates collector either, this was one of those cases where I like the card just because.  I've been hoping to add this one to my collection for a long time now, and this relatively clean, slabbed copy was too tempting to pass up for $6 and change.

Well, that's all I've got time for today.  Thanks for reading, and hopefully your 2016 is winding down nicely!


  1. According to baseball reference they are brothers

  2. I picked this card up at a show a couple years ago, and it's still one of the centerpieces of my collection.
