Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Cardboard Keepers - Joltin' Joe DiMaggio!

Time for the next installment of "Cardboard Keepers", a thought experiment where I theoretically whittle my entire collection down to just 2,000 cards; 1,000 baseball keepers and 1,000 other keepers.

Today's keeper card comes courtesy of an epic eBay flip that I already showed the results of earlier this summer.  In case you missed it the post can be found here, but in a nutshell I sold a single soccer parallel that I pulled from a pack in 2018, and turned it into this:

I'm going to spare you any long-winded summary of what a great player DiMaggio was, after all I went on at length about my love for this card when I first posted it only a month or two ago.  Suffice it to say that never in my life did I think an authentic, playing-era Joe D card would call my collection home!

While the front is really where it's at when it comes to this particular card, the back has a nice early-career write-up on the Yankee Clipper.

So yeah, there you have it, a real beauty with Joe swinging for the fences.  Not only was this card a very obvious choice to make the list of my top 1,000 baseball cards, but I think I'd probably include it in a list of my top 25 baseball cards, even.

Based on that, this was an easy choice for my Cardboard Keepers baseball collection, which is now up to 38 cards and counting, and can be viewed here if you're interested.  I'll be back with more keepers soon, in the meantime thanks as always for stopping by! 


  1. This card (and quite a few others in your list) would easily be my top #1 card in my collection. Cool to see.

  2. Gonna have to start buying packs of soccer cards now, because owning a real DiMaggio has long been one of my pipe dreams.

  3. Thanks guys! Nick, good luck finding any now, it's insane!

  4. Awesome card. If I owned a copy of this card, it'd probably be in my top 5.

  5. Top 25, for sure. And the story of how you acquired this card makes it that much greater.
