Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Shlabotnik Sox - '80s Fleer Boost

Let's take a look at another batch of Red Sox cards that I received in the recent past from friend of the blog Joe Shlabotnik, shall we?

As the post title indicates, this batch is all about crossing off some '80s Fleer needs.  For example, I had just three Red Sox cards from the 1982 Fleer release before receiving this latest package from Joe.

The Fleer cards that Joe tossed into the envelope included both stars (superstars, even!), and some lesser-known players like Tom Burgmeier.

The photography in the '82 release can be fuzzy at times to say the least, as on this Gary Allenson, but it's still cool in a quirky sort of way.  Personally, I'm a fan of cards that contain pictures of trees in the background.

I can't tell if Reid Nichols is watching the base coach for a sign here, or if he just struck out?

Extremely fuzzy photo on Carney Lansford's card...

...and Garry Hancock brings up the rear as far as '82 Fleer is concerned.  I tripled the number of '82 Fleer Sox I have thanks to this delivery, but that's not all... Joe sent along some '83s as well.  Pretty stunning improvement in photograph clarity from one year to the next on Fleer's part.

Tom Burgmeier, in the dark...

Mark Clear, possibly counting votes in Georgia?  ;-)

Here's some real star power, with HOFer Dennis Eckersley showing his famed lengthy locks.  For a simple portrait photograph, I actually really like this card.

Rich Gedman's '83 Fleer card really gives you a sense of how strong this guy was.  Look at those biceps!  Gotta love the glasses on this one too.

Another nice star card here, with staff ace Bruce Hurst!

I'm noticing, at least within this small selection of cards, just how few in-game or action shots there are in '83 Fleer.  Maybe it's just coincidence with these Red Sox shots, but there's a whole lot of hanging on the sidelines posing going on here.

Another HOFer with big Jim Rice!  Jim looks a little angry on this card.  Pretty great to land both he and Eck from this set in one fell swoop.

A couple more sitting around shots...

...but then...

...a huge card for my team set featuring a pair of HOFers, including the great Yaz!  Also, how tall was Mark Clear anyway?!?!  Just looked it up, 6'4" apparently.  That makes sense.  He sure looks like a giant here compared to Eckersley though, who was 6'2" himself.

We'll close out today's post with longtime Red Sox color commentator Jerry Remy.  The Rem-dawg is looking pretty spiffy on this '85 Fleer issue.  Bonus points for that fantastic McDonald's wristband!

These fantastic Fleer cards put another dent in my featuring of all of the great cards Joe sent in his last package, but there's more to the tale even still.  Until next time though, thanks as always for stopping by!


  1. Pre-Oakland Eck wins this round. Rice was a stud though.

  2. Always happy to spread the gospel of 1980's Fleer! :-D

    Based on the catcher behind Reid Nichols, I'm going to say he's looking at the coache's signs... but I've been wrong about these things plenty of times before.

  3. Love the 80's Fleer Super Star Special subsets. And I remember owning and treasuring that 83F Jim Rice. That guy was the man back in the day. Shame Boston couldn't keep him, Dewey, and Lynn together their entire careers.
