Tuesday, January 26, 2010

David Krejci Collection - Card 15

I'm embarrassed to even post this, as the Bruins have been a total joke the past couple of weeks, but I'm trying to stick to my commitment of posting a new David Krejci card each time he scores this season. That shouldn't be hard, as the Bruins total lack of offense (not to mention motivation or determination) has them sinking faster than the Titanic down through the Eastern Conference standings.

Krejci netted a garbage goal in the 3rd period with the Bruins trailing 5-0 to the Carolina Hurricanes on Sunday evening. I really hope something changes soon here as it has been flat out painful to watch the Bruins these past few weeks. Thankfully I won't have to again until Friday night when they take on the division-leading Buffalo Sabres. If they can manage even 3 goals I'll be one happy fan...


  1. Ugh, the Bruins. They have totally let me down this season. It's painful to watch them at times. Granted, they've been hit hard by the injury bug, but Chara, and Wideman especially, have played below their ability. And don't even get me started on Thomas. I have NEVER had faith in that guy. Do you trust him with a 1 goal lead late in the game because I don't.

  2. Mr Brough - Thomas blows

    Shoe - Look up... you see that? It's Bleu Blanc et Rouge!

  3. Mr. Brough, no I do not trust Thomas at all lately. I'd say it's time to give Rask a string of a few straight starts, although he hasn't looked a whole lot better of late.

    Canuck, talk to me in April!
