Monday, August 19, 2013

Red Sox Collection - 2,000 Cards...and a Countdown!

One of the goals I had for this year was to increase my number of scanned, cataloged and organized Red Sox cards to over 2,000.  I'm happy to say that this past weekend I reached my number (while getting through a chunk of 1991 Topps actually).  This was one of 7 specific goals I had set for myself for 2013, nice to get one knocked off the list already in August.

Now that I've got a good chunk of cards cataloged, I figured it would be cool to do something similar to what I've seen done on other blogs and pick out my 100 favorite Red Sox cards from my collection.  I spent a few hours yesterday whittling down my list until I was left with an even 100.  While I get those put in some type of order, here are some of the awesome cards that did not make the cut...

If this one had Oil Can Boyd on the front rather than Dennis I would have likely given it more consideration...

Obviously Yaz will make the countdown, more than once as a matter of fact, but there were too many good options to select one that I don't have a strong affinity towards, such as this 1978 O-Pee-Chee.

This Ellis Burks may not have made the cut, but a very similar card did.

Greatest Red Sox manager of all-time?  Certainly the greatest I've ever seen.  John Farrell is off to a good start this year but talk to me after he wins two World Series Championships.

Here's a truly awesome card paying homage to Clay Buchholz's no-hitter.  I really like this one quite a bit, and it was one of the last few eliminated.  Don't worry though, Clay will be represented, and so will 2008 Upper Deck.

You might think these caricature cards from the early '90s Score sets have no business anywhere near a list like this, but I loved these as a kid for some reason.

I don't have many Jon Lester rookie cards, yet this one is a little too busy for me...

Here's another that was one of the final cuts, featuring a great Spring Training shot of Pudge.

Pesky will be on there, just not this card...

Same with Wally the Green Monster...

There will be one or two team checklist cards included, but this one from '61 Topps got the axe.

These last four guys will all be featured as well, albeit on different pieces of cardboard.  So, there are some of the cards that missed the cut.  Check back later this week for the first portion of the countdown...


  1. If I was doing it the Fisk, Yaz and probably the Tiant would all be there.

    But I'm not doing it, am I?

    Looking forward to it!

  2. Thanks Greg! Your countdown was actually my primary inspiration here, glad you'll be reading.

  3. I love that Yaz but I'm partial to '78s, the first cards I bought as a kid. I know he has some stellar cards from other years and I'm guessing I'll see at least one of my faves here soon.

    Like that Tiant as well.

    Greg inspired me as well and I'll be following this Top 100 trend before too long with my beloved Reds.
