Friday, April 10, 2020

One Card Post - My First '62-63 Parkhurst

What:  1962-63 Parkhurst #52 - Lou Fontinato
Where:  eBay
How Much?:  $4.46

Why?:  With a price point below five dollars, and in fantastic shape, I can't believe it took me all these years to finally add the first 1962-63 Parkhurst card to my hockey collection.  I first learned of Fontinato when I discovered back in 2014 that he had amazing penmanship for an enforcer!  Quite a few years later I'm really pleased to add a vintage card of his to my collection at last...


  1. Very nice! Five dollars on that is a steal!

  2. Never seen this design before, but I love the simplicity. Very nice card.

  3. Fantastic card! And he does have an excellent signature.
