For the next installment of my virtual Allen & Ginter hobby box I decided to expand my Will Clark player collection. For just over $20, I hand picked more than 125 Clark cards for the personal collection. I tried to focus on odd sets from the junk wax era, but have some newer cards thrown in as well. We've got cards released by the big three manufacturers, retail outlets, fast food joints, and junk food companies in this bunch. I've scanned in a whole slew of them for your viewing pleasure in chronological order, in fact I think this post contains by far the most scans in any single post since I started the blog. So sit back and get ready for a scroll down memory lane, if you're like me you've never seen some of these sets before:

I'll try to keep the commentary to a minimum and let the cards do the talking. This first card is one I've wanted for a while though, as it commemorates the home run that Will hit in his first Major League at bat. I'm sure you already know this, but he hit it off of Nolan Ryan too. Not too shabby a start...

I think this is the very last 1986 Clark card I didn't have. I miss the days when it was actually reasonable and possible to accumulate every single card of a player from a given year.

This is another one I've wanted for quite a while. You may recognize the photo from Clark's 1986 Topps Traded rookie.

Normally I think these cards look hideous but they kind of match the Giants jerseys a bit.

One thing that surprised me when picking out my cards was the sheer amount of sets Fleer released in the late 80's. There are plenty more to come...

Long before their discounted $10 blasters, K-Mart would release their own card sets, produced by Topps.

One of two discs that were part of my order. I'm not sure how one obtained one of these back in the day, anyone know?

First time I had seen these as well, but I think they have a great design. They're roughly the same size as your standard 80's Topps mini cards (like the League Leaders sets they released).

What kid didn't have Classic baseball sets back in the day? I know I did. I think they released somewhere around a dozen baseball cards sets. I never played the game though, has anyone tried it?

Looks like Clark's standard '89 card, but is cut from the bottom of a wax box. It still has a back which is nice, but it's numbered C-6. Whoever cut mine did a pretty decent job.

I really liked this one as well. Kay-Bee always seemed like the red-headed stepchild compared to Toys 'R' Us. I remember walking into Toys 'R' Us as a kid and getting the sensation that it stretched on forever. Kay-Bee on the other hand was about the size of my closet. They're still around though as far as I know. The design's not half bad on this card either, seems inspired by various 70's Topps releases.

I loved the cereal but don't ever remember them having cards in the boxes. This one's kind of bland. If you're not licensed and have to air-brush logos out, you may want to choose a photo that's not 50% hat. What's with the mustache?

This one's not actually numbered or anything, but has some giveaway instructions on the back. I think most people, including myself, probably threw them out. I definitely dig the early 50's Bowman inspired artwork.

Ah, Collect-a-Books, I definitely had a few of these way back when. I may have to do a separate post on this where I scan in the entire booklet...

This was a card I had never seen before. If anyone knows anything about this set please leave a comment!

The Mother's Cookie cards are fantastic, and I'm now half-way to completing the 4 card 1990 Will Clark set. Anyone have cards 1 or 2 for trade?

There were a few Ames in my area when I was growing up. They were like a step below even K-Mart. I could be wrong but I believe the company went bankrupt or something. Haven't seen one around in years.

I think I grabbed the '91, '92, '93 and '94 Post cards. I'm pretty sure that gives me the complete Post Clark run when combined with what I already had.

First of a couple cards endorsed by the fast food giants (yes, I know, and ironic term in this case).

This is probably one of my favorites. The border and horizontal photo are great. Look at the bend in that bat!

One of these days I need to pick up the Dome set. I always see it for 5 or 6 bucks but for some inexplicable reason have never pulled the trigger.

Nothing illustrates how badly you need to clean your scanner like a hologram.

I think these were like a 1-per-pack insert or something, they look just like the base cards except all of the info is in obnoxious silver foil.

1994 Stadium Club is definitely on my list of sets to complete one day.

Based on the other images I saw of National Packtime cards it appears to be a small set consisting of a few cards each from various manufacturers. I'm not sure how or where it was distributed though.

I've never seen these before but was surprised at how heavy this card was. It's really got some weight to it.

I think this set looks impressive. Tons of great veteran stars in the checklist. I would consider busting a box of this.
Well there you have it. I more than doubled the size of my Clark collection and this was more fun than a blaster would've been for about the same price.
Cost: $22
Running Total: $55