Happy Holidays everyone! Like many, I'm entirely preoccupied with holiday preparations (Christmas for me), and don't have much time for cards this week. So, in lieu of something more thought out or time consuming, here's yet another quartet of cards plucked from the quarter boxes at my LCS
This batch of four is the perfect example of why I'm never able to focus on, and rarely able to complete, anything when it comes to collecting. I just find enjoyment from too many cards, too many sports, too many players and too many sets. There's not a single Red Sox card, or card from a set I'm working on, among this quartet, but I find them all interesting regardless...
What a photo! I can't believe I'd never seen this Larry Walker Collector's Choice card before. I would assume this is a Spring Training shot given the wire fence covered in blue tarp. Either way, an interesting card that I couldn't pass up.
Jeff Skinner seems to have cooled off a bit since his rookie year, and I know he's dealt with some concussions too. Nonetheless, winning the Calder Trophy for Rookie of the Year at age 18 is nothing to scoff at. Plus, I'm a sucker for the early '90s Fleer Ultra sets that this card (from 2012-13 Fleer Retro) honors.
I long ago collected all of the Stadium Club Finest inserts that Topps produced on the hockey side of the charts in the '90s, but I either didn't know or had forgotten that they made them for baseball as well. This one was simply too shiny for someone like me to leave behind. The rays radiating out from one central point sort of remind me of the excellent Pinnacle Museum Collection parallels.
Closing it out today is an appropriately green card from the great Upper Deck Decade 1970's set. So many gems in this set. This is the second card I've shown this month featuring Reggie Jackson from his days with the Athletics.
Well, that's all I've got time for at the moment. I hope everyone who reads this blog, and all the great folks I've interacted with here in the past year, have a safe and happy holiday season! I'm off on vacation starting later today through the new year, so I'll have plenty of great cardboard content in the coming days.
Play ball! (2025)
When I was a young, baseball-watching fool, I'd wonder about my dad. He was
a fan, but he seemed so casual about it. He'd watch maybe an inning or two
I can see why you would be distracted by these cards, all are excellent in their own way - especially the Bellbottom Bashers. Happy holidays to you!
Embrace the unfocusedness!
Reggie always looked better in an A's uni. Happy holidays
One day, before they are gone, I should pick up a box of Fleer retro. They really nailed the designs on that set.
Skinner is stuck on a really blah team. He could use a change of scenery to get back on track.
I love the 70's. Merry Christmas!
Good stuff. Merry Christmas, Shane!
Merry Christmas!
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