Monday, November 26, 2018

Buyback Franken-set: Retreads Get Me to 80%

It's back to work for me today.  Let's shake off that turkey/tryptophan hangover and get to some buybacks, shall we? 

I've already processed through the majority of my "pre-franken-set buybacks" over the past couple of years, and incorporated them into the project and the overall running total of buybacks that I put up at the end of each franken-set post.  While completing some housekeeping and organizing over the holiday weekend however, I discovered there were five older buybacks that I picked up a few years back, before I ever started the franken-set, and never got around to processing for this project.

Let's right that wrong today, satisfy my OCD, and see how these five fair as far as the franken-set binder goes...

1960 Topps #38 - Jerry Casale

My reason behind purchasing these buybacks back in the day is going to be fairly obvious.  Even though Jerry Casale had a truly forgettable season in 1960 (as in ERA on the wrong side of 6.00 forgettable), I still grabbed this buyback early in 2014 because I love 1960 Topps and I thought it was a cool addition to my Red Sox collection.

What's especially great about this one is that, well over 1,200 buybacks in now, this is my first #38 buyback.  Into the binder Jerry Casale goes!

1959 Topps #261 - Gene Stephens

Here's one that's been kicking around in my collection for a long time now, as I originally featured it back in 2011.  I love 1959 Topps, and was drawn to the nice posed dugout shot on this one in particular when I picked it up all those years ago.

A tough battle here, as this 1970 Curt Motton has been resident in slot 261 of the binder.  I love the photograph on this card too, perhaps even more than the Stephens.  While I really love 1959 Topps, I enjoy 1970 Topps more than most seem to as well.  Decisions, decisions...

I'm going with the Stephens, but I'm flagging this as a match-up to revisit down the road as well.

Since this card is part of a completed page, here's a look at it now with Gene Stephens in place.  I've mentioned it before, but the obvious star of the show here is that '58 Frank Malzone at lower center.

1965 Topps #147 - Dennis Bennett

Next up, a really boring 1965 Topps card of Dennis Bennett.  A prime example of how a boring photo can tank even a really great card design.  1965 Topps is a beautiful set if you ask me, but this Bennett card makes me snooze.  Just about any competition will keep this one from the franken-set binder.

How about the "tequila sunrise" 1976 Houston Astros?

Yup, good enough.  Mix me another margarita and let's get to these last couple of buybacks here.

1977 Topps #111 - Rico Petrocelli

Here's a nice 1977 Rico Petrocelli.  A definite fan favorite in Boston, and a player who is already represented in the franken-set binder.  This one gets some extra points because I pulled it myself from a hobby box of 2015 Topps Update.  It's also a sunset card, as Rico played his final MLB inning in 1976.

Lee Thomas' 1965 issue stands in Rico's way as far as the franken-set goes.  If you're unsure who's going to win this battle, please see what I said above about a bad photo trumping a good design.

Lee Thomas is out, Rico Petrocelli is in.

Here's the updated completed page, with Rico snugly in his pocket in the upper right.  If you're interested, the Buyback Franken-set Gallery link at the top of my blog will take you to a page where you can see the overall state of the binder page by page.

1960 Topps #176 - Vada Pinson

Finally, here's a Vada Pinson Heritage buyback that I picked up and posted about all the way back in 2009.  Yup, I've been at this for a while now.  A very compelling buyback here, as Pinson is a certified member of the Hall of Very Good.  He tore it up in 1960 too, collecting 187 hits and leading the league in doubles.  He was named an All-Star and even appeared on a couple of MVP ballots.  I don't come across 1960 buybacks all that often, either.

Aurelio Rodriguez has occupied slot 176 for a bit, courtesy of his 1979 release.  Not a bad card...

...but it certainly doesn't hold a candle to the Pinson.

The new number that led off today's post was the 634th card to go into the binder, putting me at 80% complete as far as the overall 792-card franken-set.  Feels great to hit that significant milestone!  Still a ways to go though, with over 150 open pockets left to be filled and almost endless improvements possible...

Next buyback post will feature a handful that arrived last week from a friend of the blog.  Until then...

Franken-set Progress: 634/792 (80%)
1990 Topps Buyback Set: 101/792 (12%)
"Rejected" Buybacks: 532
Total Buybacks in Collection: 1,267


  1. It's not my collection... but seeing these completed pages is super satisfying.

  2. Can't argue with any of your choices here. That '59 Stephens is excellent.

  3. Congrats on 80%, my friend! Eventually I'll get around to working on mine. It just seems like I haven't had a lot of hobby time this whole year.

