No time for cards today, so here's a quick retail pack of 2014 Allen & Ginter that I opened this past weekend...
Probably (and sadly) my favorite card in the pack...
This Jose Altuve insert is being sent to the state of Texas in a trade package today!
Here's my mini, a black-bordered Cub. Will probably end up trading this one away as well at some point.
A boring card of a political correspondent is the perfect end to one of the least flattering packs of Allen & Ginter I've ever seen from any year...
2/14s from Sportlots
Yesterday, a pile of envelopes showed up courtesy of Sportlots' mailbox
figure. A lot of the cards helped me put the final touches on my 2024 Score
See, and that F.Chuck Todd card is exactly the reason why I refuse to ever buy a pack of Ginter. There are few enough cards in packs these days, why should my money be wasted on that sort of nonsense?
Yup, I'm with you there. I picked up one of those hanger packs that contains three retail packs (this was one of them) and three minis. I wasn't all that psyched, won't be buying any more of this in retail form, maybe just some cheap singles here and there and a Sox team set...
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