I'm getting closer each month to finishing off my #1 collecting goal for hockey, completing the entire 1980s Topps run. Recently I spent a whopping $1.56, plus $2.50 shipping and handling, to knock another card off of the 1986-87 Topps want list:

This is Steve Yzerman's third Topps base card. I don't have a Beckett in front of me, but I believe it's one of the more valuable cards in the set behind the Roy RC, Gretzky, Lemieux and Wendel Clark RC. I was more than happy to grab this one for $4 shipped.

Yzerman would enjoy a 90-point season in 1986-87, his best to date at that time. He would go on to top 100 points for 6 consecutive seasons after 86-87 though! It still pains me that the Whalers took Sylvain Turgeon two spots ahead of Steve in the 1983 entry draft. Imagine if Ron Francis and Steve Yzerman could have been teammates throughout the 80s. What might have been!
With Stevie Y occupying his proper spot in my 1986-87 Topps binder, I am now just 7 cards away from finishing this set off!
I remember when that card came out, looking at Yzerman's point totals and wondering if I should yank him out of my star book. I didn't. :)
Nice card - $4 is a steal.
I'm working on completing this set. Do you have any duplicates to trade? Need less than 20 cards.
My list is showing #'s 13, 62, 63, 77, 116, 123, 128, 133 and 164 as my only dupes. Let me know if you need any of those!
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