It's a cloudy Thursday here in Rhode Island, seems like a good time to grab a few more packs from my recent Wal-Mart 50-packs-for-$20 re-pack. Like last time, I'm certainly not going to show every card to spill out of these. Years ago I'd have kept and painstakingly scanned each and every new card from the packs, but these days I'm much more of a minimalist and have been purging cardboard out of my household like crazy. Kept a few highlights, and the rest have already been boxed up to go out the door to another collector...
Coming out of the gate here with three more junk wax packs, from left to right '89 Donruss, '91 Upper Deck, and '88 Donruss. 1989 Donruss kicked off this purchase on the blog, and it leads off today's post as well. I did pretty well with the first five packs of it. Did today's pack yield any keepers?
As a matter of fact, yes it did. Pulled Yount's Diamond Kings card from this set last time around, and today it's the base card to match.
Got another of the MVP bonus cards, featuring the great Kirby Puckett.
One more keeper from today's '89 Donruss pack. Fisk is wearing the wrong Sox here, but I won't hold that against him.
The 1991 Upper Deck pack was a pleasant surprise I have to say. I ended up with a handful that I decided to hold onto, highlighted by this great shot of the ageless Jamie Moyer relaxing by the dugout.
Always fun to pull a Will Clark card, takes me right back to my days as a ten-year-old collector.
This one's not particularly exciting, but it's a HOFer nonetheless and I'm intrigued by that giant Braves cap in the background.
I love the contrast here between the sense you get of Deion Sanders' speed, and the ball-boy sitting lazily in the distance.
Decided to hang onto this one for now as well, just because I'm a sucker for Jeff Bagwell cards of any sort.
Finishing up that first trio of packs is '88 Donruss. Ended up with a pair of keepers here in another Will Clark...
...and a new to me Red Sox card featuring pitcher Wes Gardner.
Let's take a brief pause from the Wal-Mart re-pack lot and take a look at a loose pack of 2019 Topps Series 1 that I grabbed a week or so ago in a moment of weakness while running some errands in Target.
I didn't expect much of note, and I pretty much got what I expected. Was able to pull one new Red Sox card at least with this David Price World Series Highlights subset.
The inserts were boring, I guess if I have to show a second card from the pack I'll go with the rookie of Luis Urias, who's played all of 23 MLB games with the Padres over the course of this season and last. Yeah, it was a dud of a pack to be sure.
Returning to the Wal-Mart lot, let's grab another trio. Another '91 Upper Deck pack makes an appearance, but this time book-ended by a couple of 2015 Topps Series 1 packs. This is not a great development for me in that A) the 2015 packs have only five cards each and B) I've nearly completed 2015 Topps Series 1 already. Well, let's tear in regardless...
The first 2015 pack actually did, against all odds, spit out a single card I needed for my set with this Mike Foltynewicz RC. I'll take that!
The Upper Deck pack wasn't nearly as exciting as the one above, with the lone highlight being this nice enough classic shot of Ryno.
All five cards in the second 2015 Topps pack were dupes, but I did pull a Joc Pederson RC so I guess that's something? I realize I'm stretching here.
Here's where the Wal-Mart re-pack kind of takes a turn for the worse. That's five more packs of 2015 Topps Series 1, and guess what? All 25 cards contained within were dupes for me. Into the giveaway pile with these!
Since I don't want to end on that note, I grabbed one more chunk of five packs to rip through before we call it a day for today. Two more 2015 Topps packs (yuck!), supplemented with a 2010 Topps Update, 2013 Topps Series 2, and an older Upper Deck Future Stars pack.
The Future Stars (which contains just four cards) and 2013 Series 2 (five cards) packs were total duds. Didn't pull any of the few remaining cards I need from the 2015 packs either, though I did scan one notable card from each...
...your 2018 NL MVP Christian Yelich...
...and a Maikel Franco rookie. Again, didn't need either of these, but at least they're halfway interesting.
Just one keeper from the 2010 Topps Update pack, this beautiful and unique photograph of fan favorite Gabe Kapler. I don't recall having seen this card in the past, but I'll hang onto it just because the photograph is a breath of fresh air.
Well, that lone 2019 Topps pack aside, that was another 16 packs down out of my Wal-Mart lot, bringing me to 21 packs in total ripped and posted to the blog. I've ended up with 31 cards that are new keepers for my collection so far. To be fair though, I'm getting a lot of the less interesting packs or sets that I've nearly completed out of the way first here, so I expect these numbers to improve as I continue through the remaining packs.
I'll be back with another batch of these in a few days, until then thanks for stopping by!
Repack Haiku #403 (Darren Lewis)
*Errorless streak of*
*Three hundred ninety-two games*
*At start of career*
1995 Pacific #379 Darren Lewis
On June 30, 1994, almost 4 years after he firs...