Can someone please explain to me how this isn't grounds for a suspension or fine of any kind? It's not like this is Cooke's first time, he's got a history of this and has been suspended before.
Johnny Canuck!
Nothing much for this post - just a pair of cards featuring the full-time
Abbotsford Canucks sweater logo, and occasional Vancouver Canucks one as
they couldn't suspend Cooke, there were two hits exactly like this earlier this season, and after league review, no suspensions were handed out for those. So they couldn't this time either.
I wish I could remember who was involved before, but it's been mentioned on some of the other hockey blogs if you go looking...
I know they compare it to the Richards hit, but Cooke has a history. That at least should warrent 2 games. The NHL Wheel of Justice spins in Cooke's favor this time.
the players are upset too. From Vinny...
“I can’t believe it, this guy’s been doing that his whole career to a lot of guys, he’s been hurting a lot of guys,” he said. “Take Marc Savard, he’s going to be out for the rest of the season. I can’t believe they’re doing nothing about it, they’re protecting the wrong guy that’s for sure.”
There have been a half dozen hits like that this year, as well as countless from last year and the year before. Even Cooke was victim of a vicious hit by the boards by Dustin Brown a few years ago when he still played for Vancouver.
I don't think the repeat offender thing or his "history of violence" has anything to do with it. That's his job and what he is paid to do. That's what he has always been paid to do regardless of the team he has been on.
The bottom line is, head shots have no business in the game...Period! New rule should be an automatic 5 plus a misconduct penalty, minimum 1-2 game suspension, and possible further disciplinary action. Hit the guys in their wallets and they will stop.
They need to do something about this NOW. Not wait till next season after discussing it in commitee.
it's all the NHL's fault. Back in the day, if something like this happened, the coach would wander down to the end of the bench, and tap a guy on the shoulder.
On the ice, a few moments later, payback. It rarely came to that because the players policed themselves.
Now we have football pads, visors, and no hitting allowed.
The NHL deserves every bit of bad cred they get because of this.
As a Bruins fan, I am pissed. Whatever little noise they could have made in the playoffs is completely gone with Savard out indefinitely. Everything runs through him and without his presence, the already stale Bruins are flat.
They play the Penguins on the 18th, in Boston. My hope is that Julien sounds Lucic out and goes after not Cooke, but Crosby. I have nothing against Crosby, but tit for tat. He has to pay the price for something his teammate did. Then have Thornton take care of business with Cooke.
Now, taking my Bruins hat off, there is ZERO place in the game for these sort of hits and/or players. Cooke should have gotten a 2 game suspension. I blame the NHL, though. They have no policy in play to regulate this sort of stuff.
I see that the GMs are now proposing rule changes for this sort of incident, but it's a shame it took about 5 players a year for the past 3-4 years for them to realize it's a real issue.
Thanks for the comments guys. I pretty much agree with all of your assessments. Hits to the head are a major problem, and I agree that the majority of the blame here should be placed on the league itself.
I just felt like in this case Cooke extended his elbow to make the blow that much worse. I'd like to see a 2 game suspension for any direct hit to the head. I guess the GM's voted unanimously yesterday to ban the hits starting next season, but I haven't heard what the penalty will be.
If someone even attempts to try and take Crosby out (or Ovechkin, or Toews/Kane, etc.), you know the league will suspend that person. Another example of how the punishments only fit the crime...if it is committed against a superstar/league spokesperson.
It'd be interesting to see if the league would actually suspend someone like Begin for laying out Crosby with a hit to the head. And if they did, what their rationale would be.
The angry fan in me wants someone to jump Crosby to atone for Cooke's hit. The somewhat rational part of me just hopes someone jumps Cooke and beats the tar out of him.
I don't think Cooke will play when the Pens face the B's next Thursday. He'll have some phantom injury or the Penguins will sit him out for "safety reasons".
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