A couple of weeks back I opened a very Dodgers-oriented Heritage blaster. Night Owl inquired about the Dodger cards and I shipped them off to him that same week. A few days later I received a return package with some recent Red Sox cards:
My first 2012 Topps Opening Day cards. It's a bit odd, but 2012 Opening Day made it into my collection before any 2012 Topps flagship cards, so these are actually the first I've seen of the 2012 Topps design at all.
Josh Beckett actually had a great statistical season in 2011 despite the Red Sox collapse in September, but this year fans are looking for Jon Lester to establish himself as the club ace. It's already been announced by new manager Bobby Valentine that Jon will get the ball on opening day this Thursday against Detroit, while Beckett will start the home opener the following Friday.
Gonzalez delivered as promised in his first season in Boston last year. He hit .338, a full 34 points higher than his previous season best, and raked 213 hits, 27 home runs and 117 RBI. This guy is an absolute beast at the plate and I'm looking forward to watching him for another season.
Greg also included these Fantasy Squad inserts of Gonzalez...
...and Pedroia.
I've seen these Topps Attax game cards posted elsewhere but I believe these are the first in my collection. From the 2011 set I got Gonzalez...
...and Kevin Youkilis. I have no idea how this game is played but they are still appreciated.
Finally, Night Owl also sent some Heritage Red Sox back my way since I pulled only Dustin Pedroia's card from my blaster. Like Pedroia, Youk is depicted in front of a chain link fence on his card.
My very first card of new closer Andrew Bailey in a Red Sox uniform. It will be interesting to see how he fares this year, especially in comparison to how Papelbon does down in Philadelphia.
Last but not least, my favorite card in the group, this 2012 Heritage Wal-Mart Blue Parallel of Jon Lester. I've learned from the comments on my blaster post that Target packs contain red parallels and Wal-Mart blue. I pretty much consider Wal-Mart evil, and haven't stepped foot in one in at least 5 years, so there's no way I'd end up pulling this card from a pack. I do like the card though, so it was great to get this one via trade.
This wasn't the first time I've swapped cards with Night Owl, and I'm sure it won't be the last. Thanks for another great trade!
Perhaps I was too hasty
I had viewed enough 2024 Archives pack openings to know I needed to open
some myself.
Not that I liked the cards -- Archives and I have never seen eye-t...
You're welcome! I'm starting to pull Red Sox at a rate I did a couple years ago.
Hmm I noticed that the "Opening Day" logo on a couple of those Adrian Gonzalez cards are in interesting locations. The one where he is "catching" the logo is pretty cool the other one, is just poor placement.
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