So far this idea of using random cards to predict the 2015 World Series has gone terribly. First the experiment was accurate, when I didn't want it to be. Then, when I actually liked the results for game two, it was inaccurate. Go figure. At this point I'm committed to seeing it through, so let's try this again...
Best out of three here, let's see what random card from my collection I'll be looking at for each team first...
We'll be kicking things off with the 202nd card in both my Royals and Mets collections. The Royals will lead off here...
A solid start for Kansas City in this best of three match-up, with this 1993 Flair Tom Gordon. This has been one of my favorite '90s sets since I first opened a pack (well, box) that probably cost north of $5 back in 1993. I finally completed the base set earlier this year, and have just a few Wave of the Future inserts to track down to complete a master set.
Gordon had a really long MLB career, and played for the Red Sox which earns him some points in my book. Let's see what Mets card gets pitted against this one in today's contest...
Snooze. 1992 Upper Deck is a pretty great set, but this card is far from the best it has to offer. A relatively standard shot here, nothing to really write home about. I hate to do it but there's just no contest here, Kansas City takes round one.
For round two we're looking at card(s) 225...
Man this is not going well for the Mets. 2008 Upper Deck was a beautiful set in my opinion, probably my favorite set of 2008 period. This is about as boring as that set gets though, both in terms of photo and player selection. After his time in New York was done, Aaron was signed to about 17 different teams but played for only three of them. It's not going to take a lot to outdo this one...
Yup, Kansas City is going to take today's match-up. I'm sorry but this card is just 100 times nicer than the Upper Deck Heilman. The design is better, the photos are better, and Perez is a much better player who's currently a huge part of the Royals' roster.
Even though the best of three has been decided, let's do the final round anyway...
Random number generator gives us 127...
Royals get this 1982 Topps Traded Dennis Werth. Don't know the first thing about this guy, but apparently he's Jayson Werth's step-father, for whatever that's worth (ba-dump-bump!).
An awesome Gypsy Queen Tom Seaver mini means the Mets take round three hands down. Unfortunately it's too little too late, and according to the cards the Royals will be up 3-0 and on the verge of a sweep come this time tomorrow. Again, I really hope this is wrong but we'll see...
So Nice, I Bought 'em Twice
I (kinda) doubled up on a couple cards in my most recent COMC shipment,
picking up one for me, and one for a trading partner.
I just loved how he combined...