What: 1952 Topps #4 (Black Back) - Don Lenhardt
Where: eBay
How Much?: $11.99 (with free shipping!)
Why?: A One Card Post is about all I can muster today, since I'm still sick. A classic set like '52 Topps seemed like a good way to ring in the new year at least...
Hello Kitty And Friends Stickers
A trip to Party City going out of business sale netted me a pack of Hello
Kitty and Friends stickers. Who doesn't like these infectious Sanrio
Nice pickup and a great price to boot!
Hope you feel better and have a happier New Year in the near future.
Nice card... For anyone else who was wondering, Lenhardt played for the Browns and White Sox in 1951, hence the awkwardly painted Red Sox cap (is that a red bill?)
Sorry you're still ailin'. Nice '52.
Great pick up
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