I had no idea there was a Star Wars High Tek set released by Topps recently until I saw a box busted on another blog. Can't find it to link to for the life of me right now, thought it was over on 2x3 Heroes but maybe not. In any event, just like with the baseball releases the past couple of years, the cards are a little rich for my blood. You get just eight cards in an entire box, and they're currently going for between $85 - $100. Eek!
I don't care about pulling a huge card or some big name autograph, so instead of buying a box I just hand-selected some cards I liked for one reason or another on the secondary market. Recently my winnings have started to arrive in my mailbox, and I have the first one to share tonight:
Pretty cool, huh? I know non-sports cards aren't for everyone, but all three movies from the original Star Wars trilogy are really high up there on my list of childhood favorites. Hell, I watched our recorded VHS copy of Return of the Jedi (taped with the VCR off of HBO!) so many times as a kid I'm surprised it didn't wear out. Combine this with my love of the acetate Tek cards from Topps and you've got a match made in heaven.
This particular card is a "Tidal Diffractor", serial numbered to /99. Yoda was one of my top three favorite characters in that original trilogy, so I knew he was one card I wanted to track down if possible. If you do the simple math you're paying about $10 a card if you buy a box, and this one set me back just $6.09. Not bad!
Obviously with transparent cards you're not really in it for the reverse side, but here it is for the sake of completeness. Enough of that though...
Just awesome. Instantly one of my more prized non-sports cards, job well done Topps!
I've got a few more from this set coming in, as I mentioned, at least one of which I definitely plan on showing off here. The others? We'll see...
Hello Kitty And Friends Stickers
A trip to Party City going out of business sale netted me a pack of Hello
Kitty and Friends stickers. Who doesn't like these infectious Sanrio
I'm one of the weirdos in the world that doesn't love Star Wars. The card is still cool and I do like the back.
Curse you Shane now I'm going to have to buy some of these!
I second what Jeff said! That is a beautiful card.
What a great looking card. I've seen a few of these on blogs. Each time I keep telling myself I won't give in and buy some.
Love me some Yoda. Gotta find me a copy.
I'm right there with Hackenbush. I've never seen any of the Star Wars movies. Cool card just the same
Thanks for the comments guys! For those who aren't Star Wars fans I have one or two more left to bore you with ;-)
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