Another month without a car payment, another cornerstone card added to my collection. This time, it's Yogi!
Classic set, legendary name, legendary face. Throw in some pretty great centering for a card that's nearing 60 years old and I'm sold!
I've been meaning to land a card of Berra from his catching days for what seems like forever now, and this one fits the bill quite nicely. Yogi was 32 years old in the 1957 season, yet still caught over 120 games and appeared in over 130 overall. He was an All-Star for the 10th straight season, and garnered some MVP votes for the 10th straight season as well.
The Yankees would lose the World Series to the Braves in 1957, but Yogi and his teammates would avenge that loss the very next season, beating Milwaukee in the '58 World Series 4 games to 3.
Very happy to add this beautiful card of one of the best players ever to don the tools of ignorance to my vintage collection!
Hello Kitty And Friends Stickers
A trip to Party City going out of business sale netted me a pack of Hello
Kitty and Friends stickers. Who doesn't like these infectious Sanrio
Very nice. One of the all-time greats. Hard to say underrated but maybe under mentioned. Or maybe his "fool" character has clouded his baseball greatness.
Congrats! That's a gorgeous copy!
Thanks guys!
Wow. Just getting caught up on my reading and this is... Wow! A cornerstone, indeed!
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